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11 Days Lhasa EBC Tour with Nyingchi Exploration

Tour Route: Lhasa-Gyantse-Sakya-EBC-Shigatse-Lhasa-Nyingchi

Trip Overview:

This 11-day tour will bring you to visit some famous attractions of east, middle and west of Tibet. Start your trip in Lhasa, sightsee holy Potala Palace, roam around the Barkhor Street, tour the revered Jokhang Temple, etc., let you fully appreciate the charm of Lhasa.

Then, head to Everest Base Camp (EBC), the most popular destination in Tibet tour. Because it is the perfect place to view the stunning Mount Everest. On the way, you will visit Yamdroktso Lake, Pelkor Monastery, Gyantse Kumbum, Tashilhunpo Monastery, and so on. Besides, you can spend a night at EBC, this must be the experience of a lifetime.

Finally, go to Nyingchi, which is hailed as "the Switzerland of Tibet". Enjoy the wonderful view of Basomtso Lake, marvel at the 2500-year-old king cypress, and immerse in the beautiful Lulang Forest. End your pleasant journey here.

  • Tour Code: TTO-PT-ETT11

  • Trip Level:

  • Tour Type: Private tour with private guide and vehicle

  • Time to Visit:


  • Fully explore the sunlight city Lhasa with its well-known palace of Potala and holy monasteries of Jokhang, Sera and Drepung.
  • Follow monks, mendicants and fellow pilgrims around the Barkhor, Lhasa’s fascinating medieval pilgrim circuit.
  • Marvel at the turquoise waters of Yamdrok-tso, one of Tibet’s most sacred lakes.
  • Admire the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, from four different viewpoints.
  • Stay at Everest Base Camp, witnessing its sunrise, sunset, and marveling at the starry sky at night.
  • Worship before a 26m gold Buddha at Tashilhunpo Monastery, a walled complex the size of a village.
  • A detour to visit the small monastic town of Sakya, which is one of Tsang’s most significant attractions and occupies an important place in Tibetan history.
  • Take a prefect photo of Basomtso Lake, the largest lake in eastern Tibet.

Daily Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Lhasa, Get the First Impression of Tibet

Welcome to Tibet! Upon arrival, our Tibetan guide will greet you at the airport or train station and present you with a Hada (the traditional Tibetan ceremonial scarf) to wish you good luck!

You'll then be transferred to your hotel in downtown Lhasa by the guide and driver. Along the way, you can enjoy the spectacular scenery of Yarlung Tsangpo River, Lhasa River, and the typical Tibetan villages.

After arriving at the hotel, take some time to rest and acclimate to the high altitude. It's helpful to take it easy for the first few days and remember to stay hydrated by drinking water.

Later in the afternoon or evening, your guide will welcome you with traditional Tibetan gifts, provide travel guidance, and introduce you to the other members of your group.

Stay overnight in Lhasa.

Day 2: Lhasa Day Tour: Drepung Monastery and Sera Monastery (B)

Today, you will first visit the Drepung Monastery, the largest monastery in Tibet that once housed over ten thousand monks. Here, you'll explore the Coqen Hall, where your guide will provide a detailed explanation of the Tibetan Buddhist worldview and narrate the stories of renowned figures in Tibetan Buddhist history.

Additionally, you'll tour the Loseling College (or an equivalent) within Drepung Monastery to understand monks' practices and studies. Exploring their dormitories will offer insight into their daily routines and living conditions.

In the afternoon, the tour proceeds to Sera Monastery, established in 1419 and long regarded as a significant Buddhist seminary. Here, you'll observe the renowned monk debates, a highlight of Sera Monastery. Your guide will provide a comprehensive explanation of how these debates aid monks in acquiring knowledge and advancing through academic degrees.

After today's sightseeing, enjoy a welcome dinner with your fellow group members.

Stay overnight in Lhasa.

Day 3: Lhasa Day Tour: Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple & Barkhor Street (B)

After breakfast, your guide will accompany you to visit the magnificent Potala Palace, where you'll stand atop its heights and gaze down upon the city of Lhasa. Your guide will narrate the life and tales of the successive Dalai Lamas within the Potala Palace and meticulously introduce the various halls and treasures housed within its walls.

Once you've explored the grandeur of the Potala Palace, your next stop will be Longwangtan Park nestled at its base. This tranquil spot offers a unique vantage point to admire the majestic Potala Palace and partake in traditional Tibetan cultural experiences.

In the afternoon, you'll head to the sacred Jokhang Temple—the heart of Tibetan faith and life. Within the temple resides the rare and revered 12-year-old statue of Shakyamuni Buddha, an image so lifelike that it resembles seeing the Buddha in person. Around the temple is Barkhor Street, where you can take a clockwise kora, witnessing how local Tibetans practice their Buddhist beliefs.

Following this, your guide will take you to the liveliest indoor Tibetan tea house in Lhasa, where you can enjoy Tibetan sweet tea with locals. Your guide will join everyone, sharing insights into the social relations and daily leisure life of Tibetans.

Stay overnight in Lhasa.

Day 4: Lhasa - Gyantse

After exploring Lhasa, you'll travel overland to Gyantse. There are many attractions to see along the way.

The first stop will be at Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holiest lakes in Tibet. This stunning lake unveils its beauty from the Gambala Mountain Pass (4790m), curving like a blue ribbon, while the towering Mt. Noijin Kangsang (7191m) can be seen in the distance. As you descend to the lakeshore, explore various viewpoints offering intimate encounters with the lake's shoreline. Towards the lake's end, you'll have the opportunity to visit a welcoming local family in the village and have lunch with them.

Next, you'll pass by the Karola Glacier (5100m). Positioned right by the roadside, it resembles a serene maiden grooming herself while gazing from afar at the majestic snow-capped mountains.

Continuing your journey towards Gyantse, you'll make a stop at Simila Mountain Pass. Here, you can hang prayer flags, offering prayers for global peace and the well-being of your loved ones.

Upon arrival in Gyantse, seize the opportunity to capture memorable photos of the ancient city. And you will visit the famous Pelkor Monastery and Gyantse Kumbum.

Stay overnight in Gyantse.

Day 5: Gyantse - Shigatse - Sakya

In the morning, head for Shigatse, which is the second largest city in Tibet. In Shigatse, you will visit Tashilhunpo Monastery, the seat of Tibet's second highest incarnation, the Panchen Lama.

In the afternoon, you will head for Sakya county to sightsee Sakya monastery. It is surrounded by high black colored walls with watch towers on all four corners.

Stay overnight in Sakya.

Day 6: Sakya (4300m) to EBC (5200m)

In the morning, you will set off towards Mount Everest after breakfast. Beginning with the Gyatsola Pass (5280m), the viewpoint offers your first glimpse of Mount Everest. Veiled within the mountain range, Everest resembles a budding lotus flower, a captivating sight along the roadside.

Continuing into Mount Everest National Nature Reserve, the Gawula Pass (5198m) presents a panoramic view of the Himalayas. Here, you will see the breathtaking lineup of the five world's highest peaks in the Himalayan range, all towering above 8000 meters. This is your second glimpse of Mount Everest.

Then traverse the new winding road toward Everest Base Camp (5200m), each turn reveals a closer perspective of the majestic Everest, gradually unfolding before you. This marks your third view of the Everest.

Upon arrival at Everest Base Camp, the huge white pyramid peak stands tall before you. As dusk approaches, the setting sun casts warm golden hues upon Everest's northern face—your fourth view.

As night descends, the glistening Milky Way alongside the snow-white peak of Mount Everest offers your fifth and final encounter with the majestic peak.

Stay overnight at Everest Base Camp or in the nearby village if the EBC tent hotels close during the winter season.

Warm Tips:
1. Everest Base Camp sits at an altitude of 5200 meters, and it's common to experience headaches and difficulty sleeping at night due to altitude. This is a normal occurrence, so there's no need to panic. Continue to take it slow, relax, and savor the beauty of Everest. The symptoms will gradually ease.

2. The visibility of Mount Everest depends on weather conditions and cannot be assured.

3. From November to March, the tent hotels at Everest Base Camp usually close. Hence, if you're traveling during this period, your accommodation choices are restricted to the nearby village near EBC.

Day 7: EBC to Shigatse

Open your eyes, and wake up to the first sunlight shining over the pyramid-shaped summit of imposing Mount Everest. Grab your camera for an epic shot and stroll to the Rongbuk Monastery, exploring this world’s highest Buddhist compound. If you wish, you can do the meditation and experience the unparalleled tranquility and harmony there. Or you can interact with monks and nuns with the help of guide to learn more of their unique spiritual life.

The temperature can get bitterly cold in the early morning. Do wear enough cloths like your down jacket, scarf and mittens to protect the extreme coldness. Finally, jump into our tour vehicle and say farewell to the world’s highest peaks through the rearview mirror of the van. By following the zigzag roads on Sino-Nepal Friendship Highway, we head back to Shigatse.

Stay overnight in Shigatse.

Day 8: Shigatse - Nyemo - Lhasa

Today, you will journey back to Lhasa along the Yarlung Tsangpo River, revered as the Mother River of Tibetans. Finally, the guide will transfer you back to your hotels in Lhasa.

Stay overnight in Lhasa.

Day 9: Lhasa (3650m) to Nyingchi(3100m)

Today, head to Nyingchi along the National Highway G318. On the way, you will pass through Mila Pass (5013m). And you will visit Basomtso Lake, which is the largest lake in eastern Tibet. It is located in Gongbo’gyamda County. Covering 26 square kilometers, Basomtso Lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks and virgin forest.

Stay overnight in Nyingchi.

Day 10: Nyingchi Tour - Great Cypress Nature Reserve Area and Lulang Forest

Today, you will firstly visit Great Cypress Nature Reserve Area, located 15 kilometers southeast of the Bayi Town. Here, you can see a 2500-year old king cypress, which is about 50 meters tall.

Then, you are about to Lulang Forest. Lulang Forest is a typical plateau mountain meadow. It is composed of dense spruce and pine trees with a uniform meadow in the middle. The streams meander in the meadow, and villages are dotted. Like the meaning of its name in Tibetan, a place that will make you forget your home, the beauty of Lulang Forest make you unwilling to leave.

Stay overnight in Nyingchi.

Day 11: Depart from Nyingchi Airport

Our guide will transfer you to the airport and help you get on board.

What’s Included?

1.Tibet travel documents such as Tibet Travel Permit (excluding expedited processing fees), and delivery of the permit to your hotel in mainland of China.

2. Comfortable, clean and safe tourist vehicles with experienced local drivers offering attentive service.

3. Accommodations depend on your preference. Please tell us your preferred accommodation class when submitting the enquiry, and we will arrange the best-value hotels for you.

4. All meals listed in the itinerary.

5. Excellent local Tibetan English-speaking tour guide.

6.Admission tickets for all tourist attractions listed in Itinerary.

7.Travel accident insurance.

8. Other services: exquisite Tibetan souvenirs, tourist map, portable oxygen, medical oxygen in the vehicle, bottled mineral water, and more.

What's Excluded?

1. Chinese Visa (for any visa assistance services, please contact us for details)

2. International flights to and out of China.

3. Domestic flight or train to Lhasa; Flights out of Nyingchi (If you need ticket booking service, please leave your requirements in the Online Inquiry form.)

4.Some meals not included in the itinerary.

5.Tips to the guide and driver based on your satisfaction with their services. We recommend paying a total of $7 per person per day for both the guide and driver.

6.Additional expenses resulting from force majeure events (such as natural disasters, traffic controls, loss of valuables, visa delays, flight delays or cancellations, etc.).

7. Personal expenses and any other expenses not mentioned in the inclusion list.

Trip Notes

  • 1. How to Get the Tibet Travel Permit?

    The Tibet Travel Permit is essential for any Tibet tour. We help to obtain this permit free of charge when you book your Tibet tour through us. Simply send us copies of your passport and China visa at least 20 days in advance. Once we receive your documents, we will promptly process the permit application with the Tibet Tourism Bureau. After obtaining your permit, we will notify you and send it to your hotel in mainland China.

    In exceptional cases, our staff can personally deliver the permit to you at the airport or railway station. With years of experience in handling Tibet Travel Permit, we assure you a smooth visit to Tibet by ensuring the acquisition of your permit.

  • 2. Where to Stay in Tibet?

    Accommodation facilities and services in Tibet might not match those found in the coastal and central parts of China. However, there's a diverse range of hotel options available. However, you can choose from a wide range of hotel options. In big cities like Lhasa and Shigatse, from cheap and clean youth hostels to distinct Tibetan-style 3-star and international 5-star luxury hotels, you will find one that suits your interests and budget.

    As you travel to remote areas of Tibet, such as EBC and the Mount Kailash region, the accommodations tend to be more basic. Some may have air-conditioning in the hotel, while others may only offer electric blankets in the guesthouses. Nonetheless, we always handpick cozy and safe accommodations for you along your itinerary in Tibet, ensuring a pleasant night's stay for your Tibet tour.

  • 3. How about the Guiding and Tipping in Tibet?

    Our English-speaking guides are natives of Tibet with good knowledge of Tibetan culture, history, and Buddhism. Most are trained to offer Western-standard service. Throughout your stay in Tibet, we will monitor your health and provide prompt assistance to you. If you encounter any trouble, please do not hesitate to contact them or our customer service manager.

    Travelers' tipping to Tibetan guides and drivers is seen as extra gratitude for their excellent service, much like what you do in the West. Normally, a tipping amount of 7 USD per day is acceptable. The basic principle is rewarding good service with fair pay.

  • 4. How are the Toilets in Tibet?

    Undoubtedly, for many Western tourists, using toilets in Tibet can be a challenging experience. Therefore, it's advisable to moderate your expectations. If you travel to Lhasa by Tibet train, both western-style and squat toilets are available onboard. Staying in hotels rated above 3 stars in cities like Lhasa and Shigatse ensures access to standard Western flush toilets, eliminating any discomfort.

    However, when visiting attractions like Yamdrok or Namtso or outdoor sites like EBC, you're likely to encounter smelly and unclean pit toilets. It's recommended to carry sufficient toilet paper for such occasions.

  • 5. How is the Weather in Tibet? What to Pack for Visiting Tibet?

    One of the notable weather features on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the significant temperature fluctuation between day and night. In Lhasa, the annual temperatures range from -2℃ to 12℃ (spring), 9℃ to 22℃ (summer), 7℃ to 19℃ (fall), and -7℃ to 9℃ (winter). Ensure proper clothing, such as thermal tops, a fleece jacket, breathable underwear, a down jacket, jeans, a beanie, and other essentials.

    Moreover, essentials like sunscreen, lip balm, and sunglasses are crucial to shield yourself from the intense, blinding sunlight of the plateau. Staying hydrated by drinking more water and including vegetables in your diet is advisable to prevent dehydration during your travels in Tibet.

  • 6. How to Prevent from Altitude Sickness in Tibet?

    For first-time visitors to Tibet, whether arriving by flight or train, allowing ample rest is crucial for quick acclimation to the high altitude in Lhasa. Avoid rushing to explore the streets or attractions independently. Walk at a slower pace and refrain from exerting yourself by running or jumping. Spending at least two days in Lhasa before venturing to places like Shigatse or Namtso allows for better acclimatization. If you experience any discomfort, inform your guide, and they will assist you.

  • 7. Are There some Dos and Don'ts while Touring Tibet?

    Photography is generally prohibited in monasteries. If you wish to capture images of Tibetan pilgrims, kindly seek their permission or maintain a considerable distance while taking photos. Swimming and fishing are prohibited in the sacred lakes of Tibet. Avoid discussing sensitive topics like politics. According to policy, international tourists are not permitted to travel alone in Tibet.

    While navigating Barkhor Street, adhere to the custom of walking clockwise. Refrain from exploring unfamiliar trails. Take proactive steps to preserve Tibet's delicate ecosystem.

    Given that Tibetan Buddhism profoundly influences the lives of Tibetans, always show reverence and respect for their unique customs. If uncertain about any practice, it's advisable to seek guidance from your tour guide before proceeding.

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What Our Customers Say

  • Great experience, definitely recommend

    The tour was well organised and well planned. Our guide was very helpful and knowledgeable about Tibetan culture and he was really helpful...More reviews

    July 2024 Leong E
  • Outstanding service from Tibet Vista!

    I had an excellent experience with Tibet Vista (did the 4D/3N tour), starting with my initial contact with Liam/Jiang. The Chinese Embassy in Kenya has exceptionally stringent requirements that are not common with other embassies, necessitating multiple revisions of the Letter of Invitation. Throughout this process, Liam remained patient and accommodating...More reviews

    July 2024 PM
  • Kailash Mansarovar June 2024

    This was our second trip to Kailash Mansarovar. The sparsh darshan of Kailash made this trip way more special than our first trip. I can’t begin describing and praising Tibet Vista enough. Kristin is amazing and always super professional with immediate response to any help needed. We had the BEST guide in the world, Sonam Tenphel...More reviews

    June 2024 Mrinal J
  • Wonderful Experience with Lhasa Lhakpa

    This is definitely worth the experience, from the train ride from Xining to lhasa, the Potala Palace, to the Everest Base Camp. Our guide Lhasa Lhakpa was very welcoming and knowledgable making the experience highly memorable. Our group of Americans, Germans, Malaysians and Singaporean made a really fun group...More reviews

    June 2024 CL N
  • A glimpse of the Holy Land & Qomolangma in 8 days

    We boarded the Qinghai-Tibet Railway at Xining (Qinghai), went on a 1972 kilometers, 20+ hour overnight(sleeper) train ride to Lhasa Tibet, the Holy Land. At Lhasa, we met our guide Lhasa Lhakpa of Tibet Vista, who took us through the itineraries seamlessly. Tibet Vista took care of the necessary permits while our guide Lhakpa was adequately knowledgeable....More reviews

    June 2024 Paradise169303
  • Awesome and Enlightening trip for two retirees!

    We travelled to Tibet (including Everest Base Camp), Nepal, Bhutan and India with Tibet Vista. The experience was excellent from booking to send-off. Our first online contact, Liam, was extremely responsive and always provided prompt answers, guidance and assurances...More reviews

    June 2024 Susan-and-Anthony
  • Ones in a life time trip!

    The tour around Tibet from Lhasa to the EBC was good organised and the guide Phurbu was very experienced, with a lot of knowledge about the cultural and historical background. The days in Lhasa at the beginning are good to adapt to the height conditions...More reviews

    June 2024 Alexander H
  • Profesional company, great guides

    The experience of a lifetime. We had the most wonderful experience traveling with tibet vista. It was our first time travelling with a travel agency and were very pleasantly surprised. The biggest contributor to our trip was most definitely our guide Ten Phel Sonam, who was kind, cheerful and very knowledgable...More reviews

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  • My Tibetan tour

    I just returned from my 8 day Tibetan excursion with my guide Kelsang Dorje I had a wonderful trip seeing fantastic places - there Jokhong Temple ,Potala Palace , the base camp of Everest. Kelsang was a wonderful guide and very informative about all the visits...More reviews

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  • Amazing trip with Pasang as the best guide ever!

    This was a great tour! Tibet is of course amazing but what really made this trip special is our guide Pasang! I feel we could not have been more lucky with him as our guide...More reviews

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