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Tibet Weather in July: Visiting Tibet in the Summer Peak Season

Last Update: July 3, 2024

July may see more rain than most other months, but it's also one of the best times to visit Tibet. As one of the warmer months, July offers comfortable temperatures and stunning natural scenery. Read on to learn about the weather in Tibet in July and how to travel smoothly during this time.

Overview Weather in Tibet in July: Warmer and Relatively Humid

July is one of the best months for touring Tibet. As the region enters monsoon season from mid-to-late June, Tibet’s climate in July becomes warmer and relatively humid. Luckily, it often rains at night and remains sunny during the day.

Daytime temperatures in Tibet in July typically reach around 23℃ to 25℃, while they can drop to 6℃ or 8℃ at night. The average temperature across the plateau is usually about 18℃. Compared to other lower regions, the weather in Tibet in July is quite pleasant, making it a suitable place to escape the summer heat.

Tibet Weather in July

Main DestinationsMax TemperatureMin TemperatureClear DaysPrecipitation
Lhasa 25℃ 8℃ 11 125 mm
Namtso Lake 20℃ 6℃ 16 87 mm
Shigatse 24℃ 10℃ 15 129 mm
EBC 18℃ 6℃ 18 170 mm
Mt. Kailash 22℃ 8℃ 19 190 mm
Nyingchi 23℃ 12℃ 8 134 mm
Gyirong Port 14℃ 10℃ 19 45mm

Visit Tibet in July: Is It Too Rainy to Go? How is the Scenery?

July is one of the rainiest months in Tibet, but since the rainfall mostly occurs at night, it won't greatly affect your travel plans. During the day, it's usually clear and sunny, with fresh, moist air and higher oxygen content. Therefore, visiting Tibet in July is an excellent choice.

Moreover, July offers some of the most stunning natural scenery in Tibet. The abundant rain transforms the landscape into a verdant paradise, with blooming wildflowers, lush grasslands, and emerald lakes, making it the best time to appreciate its natural beauty. For photographers, it's the perfect time to capture amazing photos in Tibet.

Visit Potala Palace in JulyLhasa city becomes greener in July.

What to Wear When Visiting Tibet in July?

T-shirts and trousers are suitable for daytime travel in Tibet in July, but it's advisable to use sunscreen as the sun can be intense. Always protect yourself from sunburn with sunscreen, sun hats, and sunglasses. It's also recommended to bring a thin jacket or coat for the cooler nights, as some parts of the plateau can still feel chilly.

Rain gear or waterproof clothing is recommended in case you encounter rain during this monsoon month. For those trekking around mountains like Mount Kailash, a good pair of sturdy hiking boots is essential.

Best Places to Visit Tibet in July

July marks the start of Tibet's summer peak season, drawing numerous tourists to the plateau for its stunning natural landscapes and distinctive cultural attractions. Here are the top recommended places to visit in July:

1. Namtso Lake

Lake Namtso, renowned as the "Heavenly Lake" in northern Tibet, offers much more comfortable temperatures in July, with highs reaching around 20°C and nightly lows dropping to only 5-6°C.

As one of the premier destinations to visit during July, Lake Namtso presents a breathtaking sight, surrounded by the rich lush plains of the Changtang grasslands. During this season, you can witness herds of yaks grazing on the expansive plains along the lakeshore. Moreover, it is easy to travel from Lhasa to Namtso Lake, which is only about a 4-hour ride away.

Namtso Lake in JulyLake Namtso is one of the premier destinations to visit during July.

2. Yamdrok Lake

Lake Yamdrok lies southwest of Lhasa and is a highlight on most Tibet tours on the way to Shigatse and the west of the plateau, offering a unique opportunity to marvel at the grandeur of this sacred lake.

Lake Yamdrok only sees clear days for about half of the month, with rain making the other days rather cloudy. However, the rainfall is spread out over the month, totaling around 100mm, so it won't be heavy enough to make your trip uncomfortable. Temperatures around the lake typically reach up to 18°C during the day, dropping to just 10°C at night.

Yamdrok Lake in JulyYamdrok Lake offers stunning scenery in July.

3. Mount Everest Base Camp

July is considered one of the best times to visit Everest Base Camp, though it may not always offer the best views of the summit. Low-lying clouds can sometimes obscure the peak during the peak of summer.

Tibet Everest Base Camp in JulyThe Tibet Everest Base Camp experiences significantly warmer temperatures in July.

However, July brings greener scenery and higher oxygen content to the base camp, which helps mitigate altitude sickness. The temperature is higher, and the air is more humid, so you can feel more comfortable staying around EBC to appreciate its magnificent view. Most of the rain falls in the evenings and overnight, so it minimally hampers the trip to the base camp.

4. Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar

July is generally a good time to visit Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. The weather is relatively warm, with daytime temperatures reaching up to 22°C. However, nighttime temperatures can drop to around 8°C, so it's wise to pack a warmer sweater. Don't forget sunblock and sunglasses for daytime protection.

Although the area can receive up to 190mm of rain throughout the month, it’s usually less than expected. More than half of the days are cloudy and damp, so bring an umbrella or raincoat just in case. For those planning to do the kora trek around Mount Kailash, additional warm clothing like down jackets and sturdy trekking shoes are essential.

Tibet Mount Kailash trekking tourIt is suitable to do trekking around Mount Kailash in July.

Tibetan Festivals to Experience When Visiting Tibet in July

For tourists interested in Tibetan festivals, July is an ideal time to visit, as many of the grand celebrations are held during the summer months. Here are some popular Tibetan festivals celebrated in July:

1. Ganden Thangka Unveiling Festival (Jul. 21, 2024)

As one of the most significant festivals hosted at Ganden Monastery, just outside Lhasa, throngs of pilgrims gather for this three-day event. Throughout the festival, 23 thangka paintings are displayed on the monastery walls for worship.

Held on the 15th day of the sixth month in the Tibetan calendar, the festival commemorates Je Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The highlight of the event is the unveiling of a colossal thangka, towering more than 150 feet in height and spanning over 200 feet in width.

Ganden Thangka Unveiling FestivalAttending the Ganden Thangka Unveiling Festival with locals

2. Gyantse Horse Racing Festival (Jul. 5, 2024; Jul. 24, 2025)

The Gyantse Horse Racing Festival, also known as Gyantse Damar Festival, is a vibrant celebration of Tibetan equestrian traditions, beloved by locals and tourists alike. It showcases thrilling horse races and dynamic Tibetan dance performances.

Attending the festival allows you to witness nomadic herders and townspeople coming together in spirited competitions and lively festivities. You can also explore market stalls brimming with local crafts and delicious delicacies, adding to the festive atmosphere and offering a delightful immersion into Tibetan culture.

Insider Tips for Visiting Tibet in July

(1) Before traveling to Tibet, obtaining the Tibet Travel Permit is essential, as it is required for both train and flight travel to Lhasa. We can assist you in securing this permit on your behalf. Please contact us at least 20 days before your journey to ensure sufficient processing time.

(2) July is the peak season for touring Tibet, so it’s advisable to book your flights, trains, and hotels in advance to secure your reservations. Attraction tickets, such as those for the Potala Palace, can be difficult to obtain. Joining an organized tour through a travel agency is recommended, as they can assist with travel permits, transportation, and attraction admissions.

(3) July marks the start of Tibet's rainy season. Despite the higher oxygen levels from the moist air, there's still a risk of altitude sickness. To prepare, exercise before your trip, bring altitude sickness medication, and once you arrive, avoid strenuous activities, rest well, and stay hydrated.

(4) Tibet offers numerous attractions, so plan your itinerary carefully. Allow ample time to experience the local culture and natural landscapes, and maintain some flexibility to accommodate weather changes or unexpected situations.

(5) Before traveling to Tibet in July, check the current weather conditions and pack rain gear such as umbrellas, or waterproof jackets for unexpected rainfall.


July is a wetter month of the monsoon, but you can still find plenty of sunny, bright days to travel around Tibet. It is a good time to appreciate the breathtaking natural landscape of Tibet and attend some popular traditional Tibetan festivals. If you are planning a trip to Tibet in July, contact us now to enjoy a smooth and worry-free journey!

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